Reminder: Only authorized training managers and training officers at each agency can enroll students into classes. The WSCJTC does not offer individual registrations for it's users.

1) Login into the WSCJTC Acadis Portal

2) Go to Training and Events > Browse or Sign Up for Training

3) The Registration > Available Training page has a filter feature in the upper right-hand corner of the page.

NOTE: Filters do NOT clear when you navigate away from the page or when you log off.   Check the top left of this page to see what filters are on. They can be cleared by clicking on the X or “Clear Filters” link to the right.

4) Use a key word or available program to search for the class you're looking for. Key words can include city, name of the course (or known acronym like "CIT" or "EVOC") and course/session #.

5) As the training manager/officer, you will click the "Register" button at the far right.

6) Choose the student from the drop down list.  You search by their last name using the type ahead feature.

7) If the class as Registrant Prerequisites they will be listed in that section or it will say "none".

If your course has prerequisites and you need instructions they are in the help article 'How to Mark a Prerequisite as Fulfilled or Request a Waiver'

8) In the Contact Information section, ONLY verify the Registrant Primary Email.  All other fields should be ignored. The WSCJTC does not collect this information regarding students.

9) Some, not all, classes may have Academy-Requested Information.  Fill it out if it is required. Here is a sample:

10) Next is Other Information:

           a.  Additional Contact Email- Include everyone who also needs a copy of registration and class automatic emails. 

           b.  Verify gender, date of birth and add the training category (it will default to one).

           c.  Ignore the rest of this section.  This is not information that the WSCJTC collects about the students.

11) If there is only 1 registration for this class, click "Submit Request".  If there are more registrations for the same class, click "Submit & Request Another."

       a.  Registrations can be saved and finished later by clicking "Finish Later".

       b.  A link to how to View Registrations in the WSCJTC Acadis Portal in available.