Login to the WSCJTC Acadis Portal at https://wscjtc.acadisonline.com/AcadisViewer/Login.aspx
If the log in page does not look like this, you are not on the Acadis portal
Go to Training & Events > Browse or sign up for training (individual officers cannot self-register).
State mandated courses are assigned to all mandated personnel. The annual CIT course is assigned to all certified peace officers, certified tribal officers and reserve peace officers at the beginning of each year by the WSCJTC. Do not use this method for your officers.
Search for the class you need by clicking the Filter button at the top right of the page. NOTE that your last filter will automatically show up.
Fill in the pop up box with helpful information to find your class.
Click the action button with the three dots at the right of the class you want, then chose what you want to do next.
After selecting "Assign to Personnel," you can change the results to “All Results” and check more than one person at a time.
NOTE: If your agency has over 1,000 personnel, you will only be able to see 500 at a time. Use Find (CTL+F) to search the page for personnel names.
Click the name(s), then the Assign button at the bottom right of the page.
If anyone you selected already has this training they will be noted. Click "do not Assign" to remove them from your list.
Fill in the pop up window
(Note: Sample/Demonstration dates, reminders in this screenshot)
- Training Category: The one assigned to the course will be in the drop down.
- Due Date: The WSCJTC deadline for the annual CIT course is the last business day of the calendar year. The course closes at 3pm. You can decide to make the deadline sooner for non-mandated personnel.
- Set the reminder:
- If you leave it blank, there will be no automatic reminder email sent to your staff.
- Otherwise, pick how soon before your due date you’d like them to be notified. We recommend 30 or 60 days before the due date.
And click Assign.
A new user will get two emails 1) Welcome email on how to set up their account and/or 2) The assignment notification. If they are already in Acadis they will only get the assignment notification
You can find the results in two places 1) Personnel > Check Personnel Hours, and 2) Check Person Certification Compliance.
Questions/Portal Assistance: lms@wscjtc.freshdesk.com