Peace Officer Certification Application submissions (for limited commission agencies) can be completed by either the officer or their agency training managers.  It is one webform per officer.

7/2023 - Washington Limited Commission Agencies: OIC, WA Parks & Recreation, LCB and WSGC.

Login into the WSCJTC Acadis Portal:

Go to Links & Webforms > Find & Complete a WebForm

Scroll down the list to Peace Officer Certification Application WebForm and click on the name.

Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated

Complete the WebForm:

  1. Acadis Student ID
  2. Full Legal Name (Matches State ID and POCA)
  3. Organization
  4. Title/Rank – Use “Other” if not found and put the Title/Rank in the comment box below. Note: We do not track rank levels.
  5. Applicant’s Email (Person on the POCA).
  6. Upload the Peace Officer Certification Application (POCA).
    1. Name the file: Student ID Last Name, First Name (POCA)
    2. Sample: 1111-1001 Jones, Kevin (POCA)
  7. Submitter’s Name
  8. Submitter’s Email Address – Needed for confirmation email.  
  9. Optional Message to Certification

Both the applicant’s and the submitter’s email addresses will receive a confirmation email.   Certification is notified at the same time.

Questions regarding the Peace Officer Certification Application (Currently for 4 WA State Limited Commission Agencies) should be directed to

Technical questions can be sent to