Basic Training accepts the physical Ability Test Attestation (PAT) Form through the WSCJTC Acadis Portal. After the agency is notified that their recruit/student has been selected for a specific basic academy session, the agency will login the WSCJTC Acadis Portal and attach the completed and signed PAT form to the student’s registration.
- The Basic Training Division completes selections for PAT requiring academies.
- The Basic Training Registrar notifies all agencies of the selection for a specific session with instructions to complete the Physical Ability Test.
- Once the PAT is complete, the agency will complete and sign the PAT Attestation Form.
- The agency will login to the WSCJTC Acadis Portal.
- Go to the Registration Tab at the top of the page.
- Go to the recruit/student registration and click “View Registration”.
- Note: you can NOT add any additional comments.
- You can only upload the required PAT form.
8. The following pop-up will appear.
- Document Description: SID LastName FirstName PAT
- Sample: 3198-0407 Matheus Victor PAT
- Upload file of the same naming format
- Check “Document Protection”
d. Click Save.
9. It will look like this:
10. There are NO further steps in the portal. You can click “Back” at the bottom of the page on the right side.
11. You can email the Basic Training Registrar that you have completed this step (optional).
12. The Basic Training Registrar does monitor this for completion.